The Infernal names are listed here in alphabetical order purely to simplify referral to them.
When calling the names, all of them may be recited, or a given number of those most significant to the respective working may be chosen.
Whether all or only some of the names are called, they must be taken out of the rigidly organized form in which they are listed here and arranged in a phonetically effective roster.
Abaddon | Euronymous | O-Yama |
Adramelech | Fenriz | Pan |
Ahpuch | Gorgo | Pluto |
Ahriman | Haborym | Proserpine |
Amon | Hecate | Pwcca |
Apollyn | Ishtar | Rimmon |
Asmodeus | Kali | Sabazios |
Astaroth | Lilith | Sammael |
Azazel | Loki | Samnu |
Baalberith | Mammon | Sedit |
Balaam | Mania | Sekhmet |
Baphomet | Mantus | Set |
Bast | Marduk | Shaitan |
Beelzebub | Mastema | Shamad |
Behemoth | Melek Taus | Shiva |
Beherit | Mephistopheles | Supay |
Bilé | Metztli | T'an-mo |
Chemosh | Mictian | Tchort |
Cimeries | Midgard | Tezcatlipoca |
Coyote | Milcom | Thamuz |
Dagon | Moloch | Thoth |
Damballa | Mormo | Tunrida |
Demogorgon | Naamah | Typhon |
Diabolus | Nergal | Yaotzin |
Dracula | Nihasa | Yen-lo-Wang |
Emma-O | Nija |
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Copyright ©1969 by Anton Szandor LaVey - All rights reserved, which includes the right to reproduce this material or portions thereof in any form whatsoever except as provided by the U.S. Copyright Law. For information address Avon Books, Inc. |